Starting a permaculture backyard garden starts with knowing what permaculture is, permaculture is coined from two words “Permanent and Culture”.

Permaculture is a sustainable design thinking system that integrates agriculture, architecture, biology, and ecology to create self-sufficient and resilient ecosystems.

Permaculture comprises three ethics and 12 principles that it’s run upon.

There Ethics of permaculture are;

Earth Care: It talks about care for the environment and management of natural resources.

People Care: care for people in our food production activities, good education and welfarism.

Fair share: Economic sustainability.

Gardening: is the art of producing food within a limited space of a residential area either in a large or small scale.

Steps in starting a permaculture backyard garden:

1) Location – (Your Backyard or Balcony)

2) Know your regional weather. Use your weather forecast, or follow Nigeria Metrological Agency

3) Set a goal for your garden. (What do I want to plant? Have a vision for it.

4) Decide on your garden media or vessel. (Pots, sacks, raised garden, beds, pet bottles etc.

5) Invest in your tools. Garden tools

6) Prepare the soil.

7) Purchase high-quality seeds or plants.

8) Plant with care.

What you must do for profitable backyard gardening?

  1. Soil testing

Soil testing is a crucial process in agriculture and gardening that involves analyzing soil samples to determine nutrient content, composition, and other characteristics such as pH level, organic matter, and moisture content.

  1. Composting

Composting is the process of recycling organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, into a rich soil amendment called compost. This natural process involves the decomposition of organic material by microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, under controlled conditions.

  1. 3. Get a viable seeds to plant

Your seed determines your harvest, get qualitative seed

  1. Use Mobile Apps and AI tools

Yes, you can integrate Mobile Apps and AI in your gardening activities.

1) Plant planner

2)PlantSnap/Plant identifier


4)Sun Seeker

5) Windy

  1. Integrate and not segregate

In permaculture, the principle “integrate rather than segregate” emphasizes the importance of creating interconnected systems that work together harmoniously. This approach advocates for designing landscapes and communities where elements support and enhance each other, rather than isolating them. By integrating plants, animals, and human activities, permaculture systems maximize efficiency and resilience. 

For instance, planting diverse crops together can improve pest control and soil health, while integrating animals can aid in fertilization and weed control.

In our next write-up, I will show you how to use the principles of permaculture in your Business 


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