Inova Cemig Lab is a program for the innovation ecosystem, to promote entrepreneurship, transformation and change, with the purpose of facing challenges and building an even more sustainable and efficient future for the Brazilian energy sector.
Inova Cemig Lab is Cemig’s open innovation platform. It will seek innovations that contribute solutions to the company’s pain points and opportunities and to the entire electricity sector. It is the first open innovation platform dedicated exclusively to connecting startups to the development of innovative solutions within the scope of the ANEEL RDI program. This program, regulated by ANEEL, addresses strategic issues that aim to solve crucial challenges in the energy sector, from the security and digitalization of the electricity sector to the use of hydrogen as a source of clean and renewable energy.
They have seven strategic themes to create solutions that add value to each of them. These themes are:
- Digitalization of the electricity sector;
- Energy storage;
- Cybersecurity;
- Artificial Intelligence,
- Virtual and Augmented Reality;
- Hydrogen;
- Electrification of the economy;
- Renewable energy,
- Environment and Climate change.
- Open to national and international startups, with no country restrictions.
- The solution needs to solve a problem that a strategic theme encompasses. The themes are defined by PEQuI 2024-2028 of the ANEEL RDI Program.
- They look for people and startups that share the values and, thus, establish a lasting relationship, as the program itself foresees, with 18 months of monitoring and contracting the generated solution.
- 1.6 million reais: The program will invest up to R$1.6 million in the solutions proposed in the Proofs of Concept (POCs).
- Opportunity: The selected startups will be able to win a supply contract for Cemig for up to 24 months after the PoC! In addition to being a pioneering project, Inova Cemig Lab is developed by the largest integrated company in the electric energy sector in Brazil. There are billions in opportunities for a startup to become a partner!
- Continuity: Just like Cemig’s mission, you can help the world with new ways and ideas to provide integrated clean and affordable energy solutions to society, in an innovative, sustainable and competitive way. So that together, they can build an even more sustainable tomorrow.
- Recruitment: Throughout the program, your startup will receive mentoring and support during the development of Proofs of Concept (POCs) from the Cemig and Beta-i team.
- Future: Open to participation from national and international startups, the program aims to bring innovative solutions and consolidate pioneering initiatives across borders.
Deadline: September 2, 2024
Click HERE to Apply
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