Call For Applications: Breakthrough Junior Challenge 2024 for Students

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The Breakthrough Junior Challenge is an annual global competition for students to inspire creative thinking about science. Students ages 13 to 18 from countries across the globe are invited to create and submit original videos (2:00 minutes in length maximum) that bring to life a concept or theory in the life sciences, physics or mathematics.

The submissions are judged on the student’s ability to communicate complex scientific ideas in engaging, illuminating, and imaginative ways. The Challenge is organized by the Breakthrough Prize Foundation and was founded by Julia and Yuri Milner as part of their Giving Pledge to support science and the communication of scientific ideas.


You get it. You’ve grasped an important scientific theory, concept or principle. Now can you share your insight?

An inventive video can get across complex material that would take pages of text to communicate. To take part in the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, create a short video (2:00 – two minutes max) to explain a big idea in one of these fields:

  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Life Sciences

Your film can take any form you like: animation, talking head, documentary, dramatic reconstruction, whatever. It’s worth keeping in mind that video is a dynamic visual medium – using diagrams, simulations, physical demonstrations etc. is a lot more effective than standing in front of a blackboard talking.


If your video is chosen as the Winner, you will receive:

  • $250,000 Post-secondary scholarship
  • $50,000 Prize for your teacher
  • $100,000 Breakthrough Science Lab


You can take part in this year’s Challenge as long as you are:

  • 13 or older by 12:01 AM PDT (West Coast USA) on April 1, 2024;
  • Not older than 18 (not yet 19) as of 11:59 PM PDT (West Coast USA) on October 1, 2024;
  • They welcome submissions in English from anyone of those ages, including homeschooled students, students with disabilities, and students from all over the world.

Judging Criteria

Your video will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • Engagement: Did the video capture the viewer’s interest? Did the viewer want to keep watching the video to the end?
  • Illumination: Did the video explain the subject matter clearly, allowing the viewer to develop a genuine understanding of the video’s content? Did the video demonstrate a rigorous dive into the subject matter?
  • Creativity: Did the entrant make an effort to approach the subject matter in an innovative or creative way?
  • Difficulty: Is the subject matter challenging? Is the subject typically taught at high school level or beyond?

Application Process

To apply, fill in the forms here, answer a short questionnaire about yourself, your school, and your chosen Challenge topic, and submit your completed video. Submissions are due no later than June 25, 2024, at 11:59 PM PDT (West Coast USA).

To be eligible for the $250,000 scholarship, you must score at least five other submissions by July 10, 2024, at 11:59 PM PDT (West Coast USA), during the Peer-to-Peer Review. You may also be asked to score additional entries.

Deadline: June 25, 2024

Click HERE to Apply

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