Farming is a noble profession, perhaps one of the oldest professions in the world.
Be it crop farming or animal farming, there are 5 pertinent things you should have before venturing into farming.
- PASSION: passion drives vision which brings achievement of missions.
I have heard people say I am going into the business for money, as good as money is, if you ask me, I will say it’s not enough to drive you into a business. Be driven by passion. The fact remains that we all are into business to make money, but to remain in the business especially when things don’t go rosy or go as we envisaged, we will need a stronger drive than money which to me is PASSION.
- KNOWLEDGE: Gather as much knowledge about the farm Enterprise you want to start, buy Ebooks, go for on-site training, swallow your pride learn from anybody, and don’t restrict your learning to a particular set of people or believe you have reached a level where you don’t need to learn anything again.
Life is a school and as long as we are alive, we will keep learning. Up till now, I have spent money to learn, unlearn and relearn.
- MENTOR: I still have a mentor in this field, I contact him from time to time and he puts me through. Your mentor should have more experience than you who has seen what you have not seen and has mastered the art or business to a point whereby his/her words become very valid as regards the business.
My mentor is Mr Akinwole Olukunle, CEO Anbeak farms Ibadan.
Who is your mentor?
- PERSEVERANCE: At the farm I first worked, some years back (a Poultry farm) we lost over 250 birds in one month from one pen to heat stress, I am talking about full-grown birds we could then sell for 1300-1400 each.
The farm owner did not faint or close the farm, he persevered, today the farm can boast of over 100,000 laying birds.
- RESOURCES: It can be money, land, farm equipment, and buildings.
You will be surprised money is coming last, you know why? If the first four are not in place, all your investments will be wasted.
The resources you should have should be able to cater to what you are venturing into, don’t bite more than you can chew. Don’t be too hungry for success or instant success.
Cut your coat according to your size, dream big, start small aim high, and work hard.
I wish you success in your Agricultural endeavors.
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